Investing in the maunga’s earth
Plant A Seed
What is Plant A Seed?
The Cardrona Foundation's Plant a Seed project is all about making the maunga as healthy, biodiverse, and beautiful as it can be, while educating the next generation. Proudly supported by icebreaker, we host on-mountain activation events educating our guests on the importance of nurturing a healthy land, reducing plastic waste and encouraging native plants species to thrive.
What we're doing now
A major replanting project is underway, with teams of summer staff instating native plants.
A nursery is being built at the base of the mountain, on our land, near a water supply at the bottom car park.
We’re harvesting seeds around the mountain to grow in the nursery.
Local schools have asked to be involved in our replanting projects, so we’re including the kids & helping to educate them about horticulture & kaitiakitanga.
What we’ll be doing in the future
Over the next five years, we want to establish 1000 native plants up on the mountain.
By 2024, we want to have reseeded 50ha of disturbed land.
Thank you to our sponsor:
Giving NZ kids the mountain experience
Ride Tamariki Project
We want every child in New Zealand to have access to the mountains, regardless of circumstance.
Learn MoreKo ahau te Maunga, ko te Maunga ko ahau
The Cardrona Foundation
Spreading goodness, guardianship and conservation throughout our community.
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